How to Support Fringe

The Tucson Fringe Performing Arts Festival would not survive without the support from the Tucson Community and the Performing Arts Community around the world. We have had several artists from other countries over the years and we hope to have many more. As the festival grows, our need for support grows. Here a just a few ways you can show your support and help keep the performing arts alive in Tucson.
Attend the Festival
There is not easier way to support the festival than to attend the festival. It happens each year in the middle of January in Downtown Tucson. There are always multiple local venues and several artists with multiple shows during that weekend. You aren’t just supporting the performing arts, you are supporting local businesses as well. Think of it like getting two bottles from a vending machine for the price of one. Then of course follow and like us on all the social medias: @tucsonfringe.
We have several shifts available during the festival. You can sign-up with our Sign-Up Genius Form. The Fringe could not function without the help from volunteers. And it’s not just during the festival that we need help. You can also volunteer year-round as an intern with the festival. Some interns have moved on to becoming members of the Board of Directors for the festival. If you’re looking to work with a non-profit, this is a great opportunity.
Tell Your Friends
Sometimes it isn’t enough to volunteer or attend the festival. The best advertising and marketing method is Word of Mouth. That means tell your friends. People are more likely to give something new a chance if one of their friends tells them about it. Likewise, they are likely to avoid something if a friend tells them it was terrible. Spread the word, share us on social media, and be honest. If you didn’t enjoy your time at the festival, be honest about why and please let us know as well so we can hopefully prevent bad experiences in future years of the festival.
In-Kind Donations
What are In-Kind Donations? If you don’t have money to give, you can give items. Things like cameras, sound equipment, lighting equipment, advertising space, discounts to your business, and many other things are examples of these types of donations. Basically, it’s anything that isn’t money. Sound equipment and lighting equipment is on our wish list if you’re thinking of things to donate to the festival.
Financial Donations
This is straight forward. The Tucson Fringe Festival is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit and can accept financial donations. Donations of a certain amount can be written off on one’s taxes provided they received nothing in return for their financial contribution. We are likely to offer free passes to the festival to anyone who sends us a donation. Attending the festival is another way to make a financial contribution.
For information about passes, festival shows, or to make donations, please visit our Online Store. Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @tucsonfringe. You can contact us by filling out our Contact Form. If you are unfamiliar with the Tucson Fringe Festival, visit our What is Fringe? Page for more details and watch the cool video.